Welcome to the Phethean Family History site!
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Updated 29 October 2021
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Stuart Phethean, Hampshire, UK
Just wanted to say I’ve really enjoyed reading through your work on the Phethean name and history. I am a Phethean and have looked in to my history a few years ago traveling right back to 1700. My great great great grandad Josiah Phethean born 1837 ran the Cotten mills in Bolton it lists his occupation in the 1881 cencus. His son Thomas is the next in my family line of descendent who also ran the mills.
I already knew from my father our history of the Cotten mills and how we lost it all. Such an interesting history and such an unusual name we have. You must be used to it like I am with how our name is always questioned and quizzed when it pops up. 🙂 thanks again for the fab read I have had on our name