Tag Archives: Mary Crowther

Marriage of John Phethean and Mary Crowther, 14 Jun 1882

The Bolton Evening News, Monday July 3, 1882

The marriage of Mr John Phethean.

On Saturday afternoon an interesting gathering took place in one of the shops belonging to Messrs. John Phethean and Co, the occasion being a treat to he work people in connection with the marriage of Mr John Phethean, eldest son of the late Mr Josiah Phethean, to Miss Crowther, eldest daughter of Mr Samuel Crowther, Great Lever. There were about 500 persons present, including 450 workpeople and 50 visitors.

The cost of the repast was defrayed by Mr John Phethean. After the removal of the tables, the chair was occupied by Mr John Morris, who was supported amongst others by Mrs Phethean and the Misses Phethean, Mr and Mrs John Phethean, the Rev Dr Wilkinson, Mr Samuel Crowther, and Mister T H Glaister and other gentlemen. The loyal toast having been given, Justin Wells proposed “The Bishop and Clergy of the diocese,” which was responded to by Dr Wilkinson.

The Chairman next proposed the toast of the evening “the health of the newly married couple,” alluding to Mr Phethean as a worthy successor of his father. Mr Phethean suitably responded. Mr Poyntz afterwards gave “The health of Mrs Phethean,” the chairmen replying. Mr David Halstead, manager, then presented to Mr and Mrs Phethean, on behalf of the work people, a very handsome timepiece, ornamented with gold and richly painted Japanese figures; also two mantle ornaments to match. Mr J K Nelson also handed to the couples an illuminated address both of which were suitably acknowledged. Dancing followed.