“County of Lancaster to wit….
At a General Meeting of his Majesty”s Justices of the Peace for the said County of Lancaster, acting in and for the Division of Bolton, in the County aforesaid; holden at Bolton on the Twelfth Day of September; in the Year of our Lord, one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty six.
We His Majesty”s Justices of the Peace for the said county acting in and for the said Division (whereof one is of the Quorum) do at this General Meeting, under our Hands and Seals, allow and licence Josiah Phethean at the Hare and Hounds, Brightmet, in the said Division or Hundred, and County, to keep a common Ale-house, In, or Victualling-house, in the same House, and not elsewhere, for one year only, to commence on the 29th Day of this Instant September, and to utter and sell Bread and other Victuals, Beer, Ale, and other excisable Liquors, by Retail; except Brandy, Rum, Arrack, Usquebaugh, Geneva, Aqua-Vitae, and all other Distill”d Spirituous Liquors, and Strong Waters, unmixed or mixed with themselves or any other Ingredients, and by whatsoever name or names they are or may be called), so as the true Assize of his Bread, Beer, Ale, and other exciseable Liquors as aforesaid, be duly kept; and no unlawful Games, Drunkenness, or any other Disorder be suffered in the said House, Out-House, Yard, Garden, or Backside, but that good Order and Rule be maintained and kept within the same, according to the Laws of this Realm; for the due observance whereof, by the Person hereby licensed, a Recognizance hath been now entered into, pursuant to the Statute; and a Certificate of the good Fame, and sober Life and Conversation, hath been provided to us, as the Act of Parliament directs.
J. Bradshaw, J. Yates.
17th January, 1787