Tentative translation.
1. An inventory indented of the goods (cattles and
2. chattels of William Phithion late of Brereton in the
3. County of Chester yeoman deceased seene and praised by
4. John Walworth of Sandbach in the said County yeoman
5. John Somerfield of Brereton in the said County yeoman
6. and John Smith of Marton in the county aforesaid
7. yeoman. The fifteenth day of November A.D. 1645
8. in manner and form following:
1. Imprimis Corne of all sorts in the house and barne £7-6s-8d
2. Brass of all sorts £2-0-0
3. Pewter of all sorts £1-0-0
4. Beddinge linen and Napery of all sorts £3-0-0
5. One Corne Arke one cupboard presse —– coffers £1-10-0
6. boxes, one vessell of strawe to holde Corne in &
7. other necessaries
8. Bedstedds, meate-tables, one dishboard Formes £3-0-0
9. tressels boards shelves, chairs stooles cushiones
10. and other household necessaries of sev[er]all sort[e]s
11. husbandre ware (belonging to) – husbandry £0-8-0
12. stone tubbes, stone troughs of sev[er]all sort[e]s, bastin £1-0-0
13. stones of hellers & other loose stones about ye De[ceden]tes house
14. Ladders together with sides sawen for a ladder w[i]th £0-10-0
15. foure peeces of wood and timber
16. Goods in the hand of John Phithion wh[i]ch were the £1-0-0
17. Dece[den]tes v[idelice]t One great turnell one beefe-tub one
18. haire-Cloath, one spitte one broach, one frying panne
19. Gob–t[e]s, one hanging brundred, one hatchell one paire
20. of Irens for a plowe one brass ladle one skimmer one
21. Lanterne, one wodden bottle one halfe hoope one
22. rippen-combe- for flax.
23. Good[e]s in the hand of Hugh Phithion £2-0-0
24. vzt (=videlicit) One greate brasse potte one brasse kettle, three
25. pewter dishes one spinning wheel two large
26. wooden basons one pair of pot hooks one pair of
27. potte-rackes
28. the Deced[en]tes Apparell of all sort[e]s £1-0-0
29. The moity or one half of the Messuage land[e]s & pr[e]misses wherein
30. the said Dec[e]d[en]te did inhabitte and dwell, w[hi]ch the s[ai]d Dec[e]d[en]te
31. dwell in
by his last Will and Testam[en]t assigned to the said William the sonne & sole executor, there beinge but one life in the said Messuage land[e]s & pr[e]misses determinable uppon yeares prized to be worth tenne poundes p[er] Annu[m]. And thother Moity w[hi]ch was also assignsed by the Dece[den]te to the said said Willia[m] the sonne, The s[ai]d Wm the sonne f-r good & valuable considera[c]ions assigned -unto John Phithion his brother as by Articles of Agreem[nen]t made betwixte them more at l—- appeareth
John Walworth
John Som[er]feild