Update: Plans to demolish the “Old Hare and Hounds” pub in Breightmet, Bolton

The developers have withdrawn the planning app relating to the pub and they will be re-submitting another one for just the housing behind it. Not sure what the fate of the pub is now. Lets hope that the campaign to save it results in listed-building status.

Read previous post regarding the history of the “H&H”.

One thought on “Update: Plans to demolish the “Old Hare and Hounds” pub in Breightmet, Bolton

  1. Re the demolition of the Hare and Hounds in Beightmet, the original plans may have been withdrawn but new plans have been submitted splitting the site, dealing with the proposed development of 12 houses and the hare and hounds seperately. Application has been made to completely demolish the hare hounds, there are no plans to build as yet.

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